Due to the epidemic of COVID-19, participants who are not able to attend the conference, we accept oral and poster presentation online.
Please send an email to 
eceioffice@gmail.com for more details.
5th IEEE Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2022

Call for paper

February 10 - 12, 2022
Taipei, Taiwan 
A special event "Cloud Class Room (CCR)" is included this year, top 3 winners will be given prizes. Please visit website for details.
Organized by:
Science Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
IEEE Tainan Section Sensors Council(IEEE TSSC)
International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention(IIKII)
The International Society of Educational Research (iSER)
Conference theme:
Emerging Technologies for Future Learning

5th IEEE Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2022 (IEEE ECEI 2022) will be held in National Museum of Marine Science & Technology, Taipei, Taiwan on February 10~ February 12, 2022. It will provide a communication platform for researchers in the topics of educational innovations and Emerging Technologies. We welcome opinion leaders, researchers, academicians, policy makers, innovators, and practitioners from around the world to participate in IEEE ECEI 2022. The aims of this conference are to enable interdisciplinary collaboration between educators and experts from other areas in the academic and industrial fields as well as international networking. During the conference, there will be substantial time for presentation of ideas and discussions. Attendees will find various activities useful in bringing together a diverse group of teachers, educators, engineers and technologists from across disciplines for the generation of new ideas, collaboration potential and business opportunities.

The conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library if the papers fit the scopes of IEEE (IEEE fields). Papers of other fields will be sent to Scopus for reviewed and indexed. To maintain a high quality of conference proceedings, the English of full papers should be good enough. We will request authors to send the full papers for English editing if the papers do not pass the review process by the Program Committees.

Excellent papers selected from IEEE ECEI 2022 will be recommended to be published on suitable 12 different SSCI, SCI, and Scopus journals after an additional review process and need extra publication charge:

(1) Sustainability (SSCI, SCI, ISSN:2071-1050; IF: 3.251
(2) Symmetry (SCI; ISSN 2073-8994; IF: 2.713)
(3) Water (SCI; ISSN 2073-4441; IF: 3.103)
(4) Buildings (SCI; ISSN 2075-5309; IF: 2.648)
(5) Applied Sciences (SCI; ISSN 2076-3417; IF: 2.679)
    ■​ Special Issue "Human–Computer Interactions"
(6) Modern Physics Letters B (SCI; ISSN 1793-6640; IF: 1.224)
(7) Sensors and Materials (SCI; ISSN: 0914-4935; IF: 0.599)
(8) Education Sciences (ESCI, Scopus, ISSN: 2227-7102)
(9) Applied System Innovation   (ESCI, Scopus, ISSN 2571-5577)
    ■​ Special Issue "Applied System on Emerging Technologies and Educational Innovations"
    ■​ 10% discount for publication fee
(11) Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies (ISSN: 2737-5315, free publication charge)
(12) International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations (ISSN: 2737-5293, free publication charge)
(13) Artificial Intelligence Evolution (ISSN: 2717-5944 (Print) 2717-5952 (Online)